Athletics Enrollment and Transfer

Griffin - Spalding County School
216 South 6th Street
Griffin, GA 30224

To: Students enrolling in the Griffin - Spalding County School System and students transferring within the Griffin - Spalding County School System.


Welcome to Griffin - Spalding County Schools. Please read the following if you desire to participate in our interscholastic activities. You are eligible only if you:

  • Had a bona fide move and are living within our school district boundary.

  • Attended school last semester.

  • Passed five (5) full time subjects the previous semester.

  • Have earned 2.5 units that count towards graduation equivalent to years you have been in high school.

  • Have not attained your 19th birthday prior to May 1st preceding the year of participation.

  • Have completed a physical examination during the past 12 months and it is completed on the approved GHSD form and on file in our athletic office.

  • Were not ineligible at the previous school for academic or behavioral reasons.

  • Are not a professional athlete in the sport you with to compete.

ARE NOT MAKING A PERMISSIVE TRANSFER. You will be ineligible to participate in varsity sport, one act play, or literary activities, if you are transferring from one school in the Griffin - Spalding County School System to another Griffin - Spalding County School System on a permissive transfer. The student will be ineligible to participate for one (1) calendar year from the date of enrollment. A permissive transfer is defined as an allowance by a local board of education for student and/or parents to choose a school to attend without regard to the location of residence. A student transferring from member school to member school on a permissive transfer is considered a migrant student. GHSA 1.67 (a) p.21