Holly Betz served GSCS for 29 years. She taught at Atkinson Elementary, Third Ward Elementary, Orrs Elementary and Moreland Road Elementary. Betz was highly requested by parents and was named Teacher of the Year twice by her peers. She was a mentor and role model for other teachers as well as college students from Gordon College and Mercer University who Betz trained during their practicums and student teaching. She participated and supported every school function that benefitted the school community such as canned food drives, clothing drives, etc. and she helped organize many activities to bring parents and the community into the schools. Betz was a leader within her schools, beloved by her students, families and peers and an asset to GSCS and the community.
GSCS Educator Hall of Fame
Each April, the Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) seeks nominations of exemplary educators who made outstanding and significant contributions to students, staff, parents and the community during their employment at GSCS. All nominees must have been employed at GSCS for a minimum of 10 years and been retired for at least five years. In August, chosen inductees are honored at a pre-game induction ceremony at the Griffin High School vs. Spalding High School football game.
2024 Inductees: Holly Betz, Evelyn Jones, Nancy Kitchens, Stan Mangham, Ray Nash and Jane Stelling

Evelyn Jones served in education for over 35 years. She served GSCS for over 20 of those years as a teacher, gifted teacher, assistant principal and principal. As an educator, Jones was named Teacher of the Year five times across various schools and was the first African-American teacher at the GSCS Enrichment Center. Under her leadership, Anne Street Elementary saw significant improvements in student performance, teacher effectiveness and overall school climate. Jones’s innovative approaches and commitment to excellence helped Anne Street achieve the status of a Distinguished Title I School from 2006-2012. Her innovative approach commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment helped students and staff thrive.

Nancy Kitchens served GSCS for 32 years. She began her career in education teaching at Northside Elementary in 1977, she transferred to Orrs Elementary in 1982 and in 2005 she moved to Moreland Road Elementary, when it opened, and remained there until she retired in 2009. During her tenure, she was selected as Teacher of the Year by her peers twice. Kitchens was well known for her strong work ethic, her thirst for knowledge and her top-notch instruction and her love for her students, families, co-workers and community. Kitchens was a leader among her peers and was pivotal in training young men and women to be outstanding educators.

Stan Mangham dedicated his 30-year career in education to GSCS. In 1988, he began as a math teacher at Spalding Jr. High, he was promoted to assistant principal of Flynt Street Middle in 1996 and then advanced to principal of Orrs Elementary in 2000. In 2005, he became the founding principal of Moreland Road Elementary where he proudly served until he retired in 2019. Mangham’s deep love of helping and advocating for students was a paramount theme throughout his entire career. He worked diligently to establish a school renowned for its academic excellence, welcoming atmosphere and outstanding educators. He dedicated himself to serving the stakeholders of the GSCS community. He organized numerous events to help the community and bring families into his school, many of which are still annual staples. Mangham provided a school that functioned like a family, he knew the names of every staff, student and their family members. His commitment and passion for education left an indelible mark on the lives of countless students and staff alike.

Ray Nash has served GSCS for almost 40 years as a teacher, coach, bus driver, administrator and father-figure to many. As a teacher, he was known for his dedication to student success, inspiring countless students to reach their full potential. His influence extended beyond the classroom as a coach, where he not only developed athletic skills but also instilled values of teamwork, discipline and perseverance. As an administrator, he provided steady leadership and earned the respect and admiration of students, parents and colleagues. Nash’s presence is a source of reassurance, he is a trusted figure in the community, known for his unwavering commitment to helping others. Whether driving students safely to their destinations, coaching them through life’s challenges or mentoring them towards success, Nash is still a revered, steady figure at GSCS. His contributions have been profound and lasting.

Jane Stelling served in education for over 40 years. She spent 20 of those years teaching chorus at Griffin High School. Jane had a gift for teaching, she believed in her students and encouraged their musical and vocal skills which produced results. Under her leadership, the GHS Chorus consistently achieved superior ratings in numerous choral competitions. She took her student performers to multiple destinations including Walt Disney World, New York City and Costa Rica. Jane exuded positivity and encouraged students to follow their dreams and passions. She was not only a teacher but a role model and mother figure to many. Through her love of music, her dedication to her students, and love of teaching, she impacted the lives of thousands of young people.
2023 Inductees: Karen Goodman, Johnny Goodrum, June Lisle and Robin Samples

Karen Goodman
Karen Goodman taught 3rd and 4th grade in Griffin-Spalding County Schools for 27 years. She served at Moore Elementary for seven years and Beaverbrook Elementary for 20 years. She started the Learning Enhancement (LEC) Program which was designed to help teach students who were having trouble staying on task in their classrooms. LEC gave the kids classroom instruction and counseling. Mrs. Goodman was also the chair of the SACS accreditation committee, helped write curriculum, served as lead teacher for her grade level and was the Challenge 24 Math Competition Team advisor.
Mrs. Goodman was a disciplinarian who had very clear classroom expectations. She insisted that students participate and try in her classroom. Hundreds of students benefitted from her leadership.

Johnny Goodrum
Johnny Goodrum fondly known as “Coach” spent 37 years in education teaching and inspiring students to achieve their dreams whether in business, athletics or education. Thirty-one of his 37 years was in the Griffin-Spalding County School System.
Coach is a product of GSCS being a 1951 graduate of Fairmont High School. After serving in the United States Air Force, he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Fort Valley State University. He later received his Master of Education Degree from Georgia State University.
He began his career in education at Jones County High School as a Physical Education Instructor and Coach. Six years later, he moved back to his hometown of Griffin and continued his career in education as a Physical Education Instructor and Coach at his alma mater Fairmont High School. During his tenure he coached the Fairmont Bears to a State Championship in Baseball.
In 1970, the school system integrated and Coach Goodrum became the first black assistant principal at Griffin High School. He also coached track and football, winning many state and regional championships in Track and Field. During the trials of integration, Coach Goodrum was instrumental in calming students and staff during racial unrest. He became a resource and ally for all students as he became known as a man of integrity and morals for the benefit of all students.
In 1978, he became the principal at Spalding Junior High Unit II where he remained until his retirement in 1995.

June Lisle
June Lisle served GSCS for 32 years. She began her teaching career in 1949, at age 18, at Orrs Elementary. She also served Fourth Ward Elementary and worked as a Title I Reading Supervisor at Jackson Road Elementary and Atkinson Elementary. She spent 20 of her years as a first-grade teacher at Crescent Elementary.
Lisle was named Teacher of the Year for the 1980-1981 school year, a STAR teacher in 1991. She developed innovative early reading and math curriculum units and strove to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all abilities of students in her classroom. She not only put her whole heart into serving her students but also in growing and building the capacity of new teachers and sharing her expertise and passion for education. She served as a Master Teacher and trained 12 teacher interns through both Tift College and Mercer University.
Lisle retired in 1987. After her retirement, she continued to serve as a mentor and supporter to elementary teachers. She also spent countless days and hours volunteering at Crescent Elementary and Futral Road Elementary, where her grandchildren attended school. She continues helping a new generation of young learners with their sight words, vocabulary and building confidence with reading aloud. She continues to enjoy her love of reading and sharing the joy of reading with the Crescent retired teachers book club.

Robin Samples
Robin Samples taught within GSCS for 29 years at three different schools. She spent 19 years at Beaverbrook Elementary School, seven Years at Orrs Elementary and she spent her final three at Cowan Road Middle School. During her teaching career, she was named a Teacher of the Year for Beaverbrook and Cowan Road Middle School. Samples earned her Gifted Certification and her Master’s Degree in Education to further her skills as a teacher.
Robin believes each kid is worth teaching, no matter the struggle. Her big goal was to make a personal connection with her students to build trust. She made it a point to know her students and who they wanted to be, so she could help them live the lives they wanted to live. In addition to her teaching duties, she served on a technology team which led to her implementing Technology Learning Classrooms at her school. She served on two SAC’S Committees, textbook committees and Leadership Teams. She held leadership positions with multiple committees including Relay For Life, 4-H and academic team. She also chaperoned many field trips and regularly attended student's ball games, plays, dances, etc.
Now retired, Samples continues to serve the community with volunteer and charity work through Griffin First United Methodist Church and Alpha Delta Kappa (organization for retired women educators).
2022 Inductees: Danny Bates, Herman Nelson, Dr. Pat Phillips & Margaret Weldon

Danny Bates
Danny Bates served GSCS for 35 years. He taught grades K-5 at Atkinson Elementary, Beaverbrook Elementary, Cowan Road Elementary and the Program Challenge Gifted Enrichment Center. At Beaverbrook and Cowan Road, Danny was instrumental in creating yearbooks, producing school plays, newsletters and sharing his artistic talents with everyone. He was selected as Teacher of The Year five times during his career. He developed units of learning on dinosaurs, anatomy, marine biology, ancient civilizations, Rome and Greece, Elements of Art, Zoology and Egyptology that are still being used today at Program Challenge. Danny was a forerunner of innovative ideas. In the early 80s, he learned computer technology ahead of many teachers in order to provide computer technology to his students. He implemented new ideas and shared his techniques with all his peer teachers. Danny has been an advocate for every student that he has come in contact with throughout his life. Even after his retirement, he has devoted his own time to better the gifted program.

Herman Nelson
Herman Nelson served GSCS for 35 years, after serving in the Army during World War II. In the Army, he was captured by the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge and was a Purple Heart recipient. He began his career in education with GSCS in 1946 at Spalding High School teaching vocational agriculture and basic shop. In 1953, Nelson moved to Griffin High School to teach vocational agriculture and served as the Future Farmers of America (FFA) advisor. In 1964, because of his attention to detail and problem-solving skills, Herman was asked to leave the classroom to help the district with transportation and maintenance. He became the Assistant Superintendent of Maintenance and Transportation for the district and served in that role until his retirement in 1981. Herman was a hardworking man who valued learning and maintained a calm demeanor no matter what challenges he faced.

Dr. Pat Phillips
Dr. Pat Phillips served GSCS and Griffin High School for 36 years. She taught home economics, science, physics, chemistry and served as the head of the science department. Dr. Phillips was named a STAR teacher in 1974, a 1983 Regional and National Catalyst winner and Griffin RESA Exemplary Science Teacher for 1990-1991. She required that her students do Science Fair projects and she worked with them to produce projects that won regional, state and national awards and scholarships. She worked tirelessly to get a school bond referendum passed for many years, finally resulting in the SPLOST that paid for the current Griffin High School to be built. She helped design the classrooms and labs at that school and championed a nature trail. She influenced many students to believe in and better themselves and inspired many to become doctors, scientists and teachers. Dr. Phillips brought about meaningful social change as an educator and showed all her students that a woman can work hard, study hard, love their family hard and achieve balance.

Margaret Weldon
Margaret Weldon served GSCS for 37 years. She spent 24 years teaching English at Spalding Junior High School and 13 years working with gifted students in Program Challenge, both in the junior high school and at Griffin High School. She was one of the first teachers to work with the Program Challenge in GSCS and helped develop the program. When she transferred to the high school, she worked with the Program Challenge students in developing the first Advanced Placement classes in the high school. She also served as the Griffin High School Academic Bowl Coach and Math Team Advisor. During her teaching career, Weldon was named a STAR teacher three times by her students. Margaret’s career spanned forty-plus years and included retiring three times, with the final retirement in 1993 when she was 78. Even after retirement, until she was 90, she was known for her command of the English language, grammar and structure and assisted many with their undergraduate and graduate essays.
2021 Inductees: Patricia B. Lee and Dr. Michael McLemore

Patricia B. Lee
Pat Lee served GSCS for 29 years. She was the heart and soul of the Griffin High School Speech Department. Her passion and high standards guided hundreds of students to find their voice through speech and drama, creating a lifelong impact. She was selected as a STAR Teacher three times and won numerous state awards in speech, drama and debate. Pat met her students where they were, from shy to boisterous, and challenged them to reach new heights gaining skills that would last a lifetime. She spent countless hours coaching, directing, mentoring, transporting and encouraging her students in plays, debates and broadcasting. She wrote and directed numerous plays, partnered with WKEU radio to create Radio Day and started local chapters of the National Forensic League and the Thespian Society. She shaped and molded young people who took her instruction into adulthood and credit her with their success in varied fields.

Dr. Mike McLemore
Dr. Mike McLemore served GSCS for 22 years. During this time, he served as an elementary, middle and high school principal. His primary concern and interest were always for the education of the student. Dr. McLemore got parents, teachers and the entire community involved in the educational process of each child. He recruited and nurtured many talented educators during his career. He set high standards for his schools and constantly sought ways to improve the school and the curriculum. He was always willing to listen to others and could resolve any conflict or difficult decisions that may arise with remarkable patience and understanding. He has a terrific sense of humor and is a masterful teacher, administrator and gifted educator.
2020 Inductees: Cyrus W. Daniels Sr., Gail Manley Hammock and Sara King Manley

Cyrus W. Daniels Sr.
Cyrus W. Daniels Sr. served GSCS as an educator and administrator for 23 years. Daniels served as the principal of Fairmont High School from 1957-1970 and as the district’s director of secondary education from 1970-1980. During his principalship at Fairmont High School, Daniels worked to develop a comprehensive educational program and introduced many extra-curricular activities such as music programs, drama and athletics. He developed partnerships with local college education programs and had many student teachers teach at Fairmont to fulfil their graduation requirements. He also helped many students obtain financial aid to pursue their college degree. Daniels was instrumental in ensuring a smooth and peaceful transition when merging Fairmont High and Griffin High students during desegregation in 1970.

Gail Manley Hammock
Gail Manley Hammock served GSCS as an educator for 37 years. Hammock spent the majority of her teaching career teaching English at Spalding Junior High. From the late 1960s to 1989, she was the chairman of the English Department. Hammock worked diligently to support teachers by creating and maintaining an English Resource Center to supplement their teaching materials. She also taught typing and served as an advisor for the yearbook committee, Y-Club and Builder’s Club. In 1983, Hammock was selected as the Spalding County Teacher of the Year.

Sara King Manley
Sara King Manley served as a GSCS educator for over 20 years. She taught at Spalding High School from 1932-1933 and at Spalding Junior High from 1955-1975. Manley started teaching algebra and then moved to social studies. As the social studies department head, she wrote the curriculum for her department when there was no statewide curriculum. Manley was an advisor for the student council and was named a STAR teacher.
2019 Inductees: Ernest “Sonny” Bartlett, Jr., Eddie Gilbert, Oliver Quimby Melton, III, Ed.D., Sue Juanita Perteet Morris, Erwin Ross Jr. (Coach Ross) and Patricia Tiggler

Ernest "Sonny" Bartlett
Ernest “Sonny” Bartlett, Jr. served GSCS as an educator for 23 years. Bartlett created and led the “Art with Bart” art club at Griffin High School (GHS). He helped countless students discover their gifts which often lead to careers or a lifelong passion for the arts.

Eddie Gilbert
During his almost 30-year career at GSCS, Eddie Gilbert’s passion and commitment to making a difference in the lives of his students lead to the development of many programs including the Students Awareness Leadership Team, Peer math Tutoring Program, Boys to Men Mentoring Program, Breakfast Hoops Program and College Probe Fair. Gilbert served as the president of the Griffin-Spalding Counselors Association and was twice named 6th District Junior High Counselor of the Year.

Oliver Quimby Melton III, Ed.D.
Oliver Quimby Melton, III devoted almost 20 years to GSCS as an educator and administrator. Melton began his career in education teaching history and economics at Griffin High School where he was named a STAR Teacher and Teacher of the Year. He then advanced into administration and served as the ninth-grade assistant principal, principal of A.Z. Kelsey Middle School, Griffin High School principal and was the founding principal of A.Z. Kelsey Academy.

Sue Juanita Perteet Morris
Sue Juanita Perteet Morris served the students of Griffin-Spalding for over 30 years. Her career began at Fairmont High School where she was an English/literature teacher and senior class advisor. Morris then spent over 20 years at Griffin High School teaching English/literature and old and new testament classes. She also served as Senior Class Advisor, commencement ceremony announcer and facilitated the first Miss GHS Pageant. Even after her retirement, Morris volunteered her time as a storyteller and visited almost every GSCS school.

Erwin Ross Jr. (Coach Ross)
Erwin Ross Jr. (Coach Ross) has spent his almost 40 years in education with GSCS. Ross began teaching physical education at Spalding Jr. High in 1970. In 1978, he became an assistant principal, track and field coach and assistant football coach at Griffin High School. From 1978 to currently, Ross was also a bus driver for all GHS athletic teams. The track at GHS is named in honor of Coach Ross because of his leadership, the track and field team won numerous state championships.

Patricia Tiggler
Patricia Tiggler began her career at Griffin High School in 1970 serving as the media specialist. Tiggler worked hard to ensure all students had the opportunity to read, research, study and do homework in a nice, safe place. In 1988, under her reign, the GHS media center was recognized and honored by the State School Superintendent as the number one library in the state of Georgia.
2018 Inductees: Alberta Blanton, James Johnston, Georgie Matchett & William Matchett

Alberta Blanton
Alberta Blanton served the Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) as an educator for almost 30 years. She was raised in the Birdie Community of Griffin where she received her elementary and middle education in a one-room school house named Red Oak School and graduated in the Class of 1945 from Griffin Vocational High School. Because of her love of teaching, Blanton was recruited to teach at the Red Oak School for one year before receiving her teaching degree from Clark College in 1954. She began her career at GSCS teaching at Cora Nimmons Elementary School in 1959. In 1967, she transferred to Beaverbrook Elementary School where she holds the distinct title of becoming the school’s first African American teacher. Ms. Blanton was selected as a STAR Teacher by two outstanding graduating seniors and received numerous recognitions and accolades before retiring in 1987.

James Johnson
During his 30+ year career at Griffin High School, James F. Johnston contributed to the education and well being of his students and peers in various capacities. He served as the foreign language department chair and taught English, French, humanities, photography and journalism. In addition, he was the organist for chapel, sold tickets to the home football games and helped his students produce several national award winning yearbooks as the yearbook adviser. Johnston received numerous awards and recognition for his work in education and his community service. After his retirement, Johnston became an active member of the Georgia Retired Teachers Association and served as the president.

Georgie Matchett
Georgie McCrary Matchett was a committed GSCS educator for 35 years. She began her career in 1964 teaching typing, business math and English at Fairmont High School. In 1969, she was one of few teachers to integrate the faculty at Griffin High School teaching typing and businesses classes. In addition to teaching, Matchett served as an advisor to many organizations including the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Vocational Office Training (VOT) and Cooperative Vocational Education (CVE). She was also instrumental in expanding the male Bogarzun Civic Club, introducing the female Bogarzette Civic Club and continuing the legacy of them both. She received numerous honors and awards throughout her teaching career.

William Matchett
William Matchett dedicated over 20 years of his life to educating the youth of Griffin-Spalding County. Matchett began his career in education teaching elementary physical education before becoming a teacher and coach at the middle and high school levels. With a desire to help more students than just those in his class, he sought and obtained a degree in school administration. Matchett served GSCS as a principal at every level serving Atkinson Elementary, Fourth Ward Elementary, Flynt Middle School and Spalding Junior High. As a leader, he was respected as a mentor and role model by his students and staff.
2017 Inductees: Bonnie Ellerbee, Laymon Hattaway Jr. & Tom Ison

Bonnie Ellerbee served the Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) as a teacher, math coordinator, assistant principal and principal for 30 years. During that time, she made tremendous contributions to the school and district, received numerous recognitions and influenced the lives of many. Mrs. Ellerbee received many grants and implemented many new math and science programs that can still be seen in classrooms. She started the county-wide Challenge 24 competition.
“Through hands-on problem-solving teaching methods, Bonnie Ellerbee created everlasting learning opportunities for GSCS students, parents and teachers” stated Ellerbee’s nominator.

Laymon Hattaway, Jr.
During his 32 year career at GSCS, Laymon Hattaway, Jr. contributed to the education of students in various capacities. He taught science at Spalding Junior High for five years, served as the principal for Third Ward Elementary School for 10 years, was the principal of Spalding Junior High Unit III from 1970 to 1980, during the integration of Fairmont High School and Kelsey Junior High, and served as the district’s Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction until he retired in 1986. Hattaway received numerous awards and recognition for his work in education and his community service.
One of Hattaway’s supporters stated, “Laymon Hattaway was a true professional in the field of education and a role model for teachers, parents and students. He was a strong leader with a larger than life personality, huge grin and contagious laughter who demonstrated genuine compassion and concern for all mankind.”

Tom Ison
Tom Ison has encompassed many facets of the education profession in his 36 year career at GSCS. He has been a high school history teacher and football coach, guidance counselor, elementary principal and middle school principal. As an administrator, Ison set high expectations for his students and staff but also took the time and provided the support to ensure they excelled. Under his guidance Taylor Street Middle School was selected as a Georgia School of Excellence.
In addition to his degrees in education, Ison is also a licensed attorney. Since he retired, 18 years ago, Ison has served as the Disciplinary Hearing Officer for all school system tribunals.
“Tom Ison’s dedication has and continues to impact student lives. He has been a leader, positive role model, mentor, colleague, motivator, storyteller and friend to many students, teachers, administrators and parents. Our school system is fortunate to have his influence as part of our legacy,” stated a supporter.
2016 Inductees: Dr. Cynthia Anderson and William Walker
Dr. Cynthia Anderson
Dr. Cynthia Anderson taught at Fourth Ward Elementary for 11 years and was named a Teacher of the Year. She then served as an instructional lead teacher at Kelsey Middle School for 10 years and the principal for Anne Street Elementary during a year of leadership transition. She spent her last 13 years at GSCS at the district office serving as the Director of Professional Learning and Director of Elementary and Middle Grades Curriculum. After retiring, she volunteers her time to help GSCS by reading and judging scholarship applications and serving as a Literacy Day judge.
“Dr. Anderson was determined to provide learning opportunities for her students that were innovative, relevant, authentic and responsive,” stated a letter of support.
William Walker
William Walker taught sixth grade at Moore Elementary for two years and history and math at Fairmont High School for two years. He then served as the principal at Kelsey Middle School for 10 years and Spalding High Unit II for six years. His last 17 years at GSCS were served at the district office as the Director of Federal Programs.
One of Walker’s nominators stated, “William Walker was a hard-working principal with a vision. He went beyond the call of duty to establish and implement a productive learning environment. He was forward thinking for a principal in 1974. Everything I have read as best practices by well-respected leaders in education,
Mr. Walker practiced during the three years that I worked under his leadership.”
2015 Inductees: Nancy Gresham, Margery King, Juliette McCann and Lemuel (Lem) Watkins
Nancy Gresham
Nancy Gresham taught at Griffin High School (GHS) for over 30 years. During that time, she made tremendous contributions to the school, received numerous awards and recognitions and influenced the lives of many. Nancy was named GHS Teacher of the Year, STAR teacher in 1974 and 2004, Who’s Who Among American Educators and received the Golden Apple Award twice. Nancy Gresham taught AP English with a 100% passing rate. In addition, she served as the fine arts department head, literary coordinator and on the graduation committee. She also introduced the television journalism course to GHS which allowed students to broadcast a daily news show to the entire school.
“Nancy Gresham is a gifted person who inspires learning and cares deeply for her students. Her instilling of a desire to learn and challenge myself has likely been one of the most deciding factors in a long road of academic success,” said a former student.
Margery King
Margery King taught elementary school at GSCS for almost 40 years. She was named Third Ward Elementary Teacher of the Year. Margery chaired the student support team, produced the school’s annual play or musical, judged the geography and spelling bees and assisted in writing the fourth grade science curriculum for the system.
“Margery King’s planning, classroom management and instruction was exceptional. Perhaps more importantly, she demonstrated genuine compassion and concern for every student. She worked tirelessly with underachievers and challenged all students,” wrote her former principal.
Juliette McCann
For 35 years, Juliette McCann contributed to the education of students in various capacities. She served in a leadership role as the department head for Griffin High Language Arts and also taught standardized test preparation classes. She also served as a judge for Governors Honors, Y-Club advisor, African American History Club advisor and on the graduation committee.
“Mrs. McCann always found creative ways to teach classic literature. She encouraged students to use their talents by writing, playing instruments, constructing objects and acting to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter,” stated her former student.
Lemuel (Lem) Watkins
Lemuel (Lem) Watkins (deceased) was an educator for almost 40 years. He began teaching Industrial Arts at Griffin High School in 1958. Lem Watkins changed the focus of vocational education from general skills to teaching marketable skills for success regardless of career choice. Through his instruction, education gained value and drop-out rates declined. Students gained a sense of pride in their projects, their expectations increased and their career options were expanded. He also successfully chartered the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (VICA), which unified vocational youth.
The National Trade and Industrial Education Association awarded him with the Outstanding Teacher Award for his contributions in the improvement, promotion, development and progress in trade and industrial education. Lem Watkins also assisted in establishing the Griffin Technical School to ensure vocational instruction would continue after high school.
“Hundreds of lives were transformed by this one man who refused to give up on his students, even when they had given up on themselves,” wrote a former student and supporter.
2014 Inductees: Elizabeth Watkins, Nina Williams Melton Jones and Chappelle Wesley Calhoun
Elizabeth Watkins
Elizabeth Watkins was a pioneer in education and taught at GSCS for over 30 years. She began her career as an English teacher and quickly became well known for her ability to motivate students. Elizabeth also became a Hospital Homebound Teacher, taking her teaching skills from the classroom into student homes where she not only educated them but, in many cases, their parents also. In the early years of Special Education, she led the charge for equal educational opportunities for all children.
Elizabeth’s nominee wrote, “Her kind, soft, tough and motivating manner continues to encourage everyone who knows her to learn, study and to keep increasing their knowledge of the world around them. As a role model she is proof that learning never stops, educating yourself never ends and once an educator, always an educator!”
Nina Williams Melton Jones
Nina Williams Melton Jones began her career at GSCS in 1958 as a first grade teacher. Nina later taught high school science and eventually became one of the first elementary school counselors, eventually working with five different schools. During her tenure, she was honored as the District’s Science Teacher of the Year in 1972 as well as the District’s Elementary School Counselor of the Year in 1990.
“Nina Jones cared about people as individuals and was a mentor to many. Her love for learning, her immense compassion for children and her desire to help others drove her. Nina has left us a legacy that will carry on to future generations,” said her nominee.
Chappelle Wesley Calhoun
Chappelle Wesley Calhoun served GSCS as an eighth grade social studies teacher for 34 years. To his students, Mr. Calhoun, was far more than a teacher. He was a mentor, role-model, surrogate parent, counselor, coach, encourager and confidant.
“During his 34 years as an exemplary educator he taught students to correct wrongs, do what is right, ask questions, find answers, earn respect, be a friend, be an example, make a difference, not to live in fear of failure because failure is not final, live their best lives and to live a life that matters,” stated his nominee.
A former student of his wrote, “In 1949, Mr. Calhoun turned our one room school house into a learning wonderland by bringing the subject matter to life. He emphasized the importance of reading, writing and arithmetic as a solid foundation for future learning. I attribute a large part of my academic success to my early learning experiences in that one room under the direction of Wesley Calhoun.”
2013 Inductees: Dr. Richard Beaton, Anne-Marie Lombardo and Frank Touchstone Jr.
Dr. Richard Beaton (a.k.a. Doc)
Dr. Richard Beaton, a.k.a. Doc, was a Griffin-Spalding County School System educator for over 30 years. Dr. Beaton taught Latin, English, Greek, German, and reading at Griffin High School.
Dr. Beaton is also known for supporting GHS extracurricular activities, especially football. “Doc” was the ultimate Bear fan; he was in the stands every Friday night helping cheer the Bears to victory. This was a testament to his role as an educator, not simply a teacher, because it demonstrated his support for his students even outside of the classroom.
Anne-Marie Lombardo
Anne-Marie Lombardo was a math teacher at Griffin High School for 30 years. She dedicated her career to making our school system successful and touched the lives of countless students.
One of Lombardo’s nominators stated, “Ms. Lombardo knew how to connect with her students and how to present the material in a way that will enable them to learn not just enough to survive but for them to thrive and enjoy math. She is a perfect example of a great educator…with the correct approach and attitude, like Ms. Lombardo’s, it’s possible to take any subject and any student and create success.”
Frank Touchstone, Jr.
Frank Touchstone, Jr., began his teaching career in 1953, the same year of consolidation, at Moore Elementary School. In 1959, Mr. Touchstone became the principal for Kelsey Elementary School. In 1969 Susie B. Atkinson Elementary School opened where Mr. Touchstone devoted 25 years as the principal and leader.
“Mr. Touchstone has been a positive role model for a long time in Griffin. Through his dedication, Mr. Touchstone has mentored many children, families, teachers, and other staff. Because of his power connection, many of his former employees still travel long distances to come visit him every year,” wrote one supporter.