Griffin-Spalding Board of Education
Board Policy BCBI: Public Participation in Board Meetings
General body meetings and work sessions shall have a Public Forum to allow for public participation to the Board about any education-related concerns they may have. The Public Forum speakers shall be residents of the school district, representatives of businesses or organizations located in the district, parents or guardians of students attending the schools of the district, or school system employees. Interested persons may sign up to speak by contacting the Superintendent's office or sign up prior to the meeting starting. Called or special meetings are limited to topics on the respective meeting agendas.
Public Forum speakers shall address remarks to the entire Board and not individual members. Each person speaking shall state his or her name and address and have up to three (3) minutes to make remarks. Additional time may be granted, at the discretion of the Board, by a majority vote of the Board.
The Board respects and appreciates the good intentions that bring speakers to participate in the Public Forum. The Board asks that speakers show their respect for the Board, the staff, and other citizens by speaking in a manner that is civil and courteous. The Board of Education Chairperson shall have the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who is disruptive, degrading, and/or insulting or who does not adhere to the Public Forum rules of conduct and public participation procedures. Individuals seeking additional information about Public Forum or any item on a meeting agenda shall direct inquiries to the office of the Superintendent.