Safety and Security
GSCS Safety Routines
School Visitor Procedures
All schools will remain locked and visitors will press the call button on the video phone at the front door of a school to be admitted. All visitors to schools should have ID and be prepared to sign in at the front office.
School Safety Measures
• Armed School Resource Officers (SROs) are stationed in all middle and high schools.
• Local law enforcement officers do regular walkthroughs at elementary schools.
• There are cameras in every classroom and on the outside of all buildings. There is a command center where any/all school cameras may be viewed to locate and monitor any threat and notify law enforcement in the event of any emergency.
• GSCS uses Lightspeed Alert to detect and flag any alarming digital content. The software alerts the GSCS Project Aware Team anytime potentially concerning or dangerous content is typed or searched on a GSCS device. This includes content indicating bullying, violence or threats to oneself or others.
• The GSCS IT Department works diligently to ensure cybersecurity, protecting staff and student personal data.
• GSCS has school speed zone cameras, school bus stop arm cameras and multiple cameras inside and outside every school bus for student safety.
• Every school has an emergency plan that is reviewed annually by local Georgia Emergency Management Association (GEMA) officials.
• In the past year, GEMA state officials have conducted walk throughs at every campus for a safety review. They remarked that GSCS is one of the most advanced school systems in the state in terms of safety preparation.
• GSCS works closely with our local Sheriff’s Office and Police Department to ensure safety.
• GSCS has school-level and district safety and emergency response teams.
• GSCS safety leaders meet quarterly with the Regional Emergency Management Association (EMA) Director.
Evolv Weapons Detection Systems
Evolv weapons detection systems are in operation at both high schools daily. High school students pass through the detector units quickly and efficiently. The Evolv system is the same technology that is in place at large venues such as Mercedes Benz Stadium and Walt Disney World. The student passes through the Evolv system walking at a normal speed with their bookbag. Staff operate the system which lights up green for clear or red indicating that the person has an option similar in composition to a weapon. The staff member watches a monitor that places a red box around the area on the body of the students (or parents) with any suspicious object.
Click HERE to view the Evolv School Guide for parents.
OpenGate Advanced Weapons Detection Devices (provided by the Sheriff’s Office) are used at Memorial Stadium.
Clear Bookbags
Clear/mesh bookbags are mandatory for all GSCS middle and high school students.
Campus Alert System
Every staff member has a Centegix panic button that can immediately call law enforcement and lock down the school’s classrooms (alarms will sound, lockdown announcement will play, warning lights flash, computers and cell phones alert).
Keyless Entry
GSCS is in the process of installing keyless entry to every building that allows staff to be admitted to schools with their ID badges, so doors stay locked and do not need to ever be left unlocked or propped open.
School Safety Tip Line
The Georgia Department of Education in conjunction with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation operates a statewide 24-hour toll-free school safety hotline. The hotline was established in 1998 and gives students, teachers, parents and others a way to report threats and other school crimes both easily and anonymously. Georgia's 24-hour school safety hotline number is 1-877-SAY-STOP (1-877-729-7867).
Spalding County Civic Ready Emergency Alerts
Be prepared for severe weather that can occur at any time. Scan the Qr code above or click HERE to sign up to receive emergency alerts and severe weather warnings that could directly impact you and your family.
Tips for Parents and Guardians:
o Talk to your children at home about safety.
o Let your child know they can confide in you without judgement or arguing. Let them know that no subject is off limits and you will listen to them.
o Teach your children to be aware of their surroundings and make sure they understand if they see or hear anything potentially dangerous they should tell an adult authority figure ASAP.
o Teach students that, if they wish to provide a tip but remain anonymous, they may use the GSCS Let’s Talk Customer Service Platform (tab on the website) and keep their name and information hidden.
o Pay attention to any perceived warning signs from your child or any changes in their behavior such as depression, anger, drop in grades, or loss of interest. School counselors and mental health clinicians can help.
o Question your child’s use of all social media platforms. Know which ones they have, what they do, how they work, who they are talking to and what they are discussing
o Have passwords to all your child’s social media platforms so you can check them as needed without them knowing. This is not an invasion of their privacy, it’s your parental responsibility.
o Stress to your child that despite what they see portrayed in movies, in music, on TV, and in video games, actions have consequences and death is real.
o Teach your child to always make sure that outside doors at schools remain closed and are never propped open.
o Consider becoming involved in your child’s school council or PTA/PTO.
o Teach your child to respect other students and people in authority (GSCS staff and law enforcement) that are in the schools to serve, protect and assist them.
o Make sure students are aware that weapons or toys that look like weapons should never be on a school bus on in a school for any reason.
o Help your student realize that it is a crime to interfere with the operations of a public school by circulating false/fake information, rumors or threats. They should not circulate social media rumors or spread spoken rumors without verification.
** If there is ever perceived to be a real threat, guardians and students should not hesitate to notify school officials, the Sheriff’s Office or the Police Department. That is what we are here for.