Four schools in the Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCs) have implemented Leader in Me. Leader In Me is a character education program that focuses on student’s strengths and helps them develop leadership skills. The program uses author Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “The 4 Disciplines of Execution to grow and prepare students. Founded on the principle that everyone can lead, this program engages the students, teaches them responsibility and empowers them to take ownership of their own learning. This program develops a culture of trust and creates a positive experience for both students and school staff.
Moreland Road Elementary has been excited about the Leader In Me program and has implemented it wholeheartedly for two years. The Leader In Me Measurable Results Analysis (MRA) shows that Moreland Road is among the highest-performing two-year Leader In Me schools in the nation. Moreland Road received special recognition from the company and even from author Steven Covey. They are on pace to become a Lighthouse School, one of the best Leader In Me schools. Moreland Road Elementary Principal Misty Garvin said, “When I began here five years ago, I knew I wanted to start Leader In Me. I knew, if we could get the 7 habits embedded in our staff, students and school community, it would have a tremendous positive impact. We started with more than 75 discipline referrals in the year before beginning the program and this year we have had only 10 for the whole year. It is a testimony for students owning their own behavior and being invested in their school.” Garvin explained that students create plans and collect “Brag Tags” for accomplishments. The school implemented a student council (leadership team) and the student leaders are empowered to represent their peers and make suggestions. The Moreland Road Student Council has influenced decisions to adjust lunch menus, purchase additional handicapped-accessible playground equipment and create a safety patrol.
Moreland Road and Futral Road Elementary have utilized Leader in Me for two years. Carver Road Middle and Jordan Hill Elementary are in their first year of implementation of the character development program.
Carver Road Middle Principal Naja Douglas said, “Carver Road just started the Leader In Me program this year. We have been training the staff through professional development to equip them to teach the students to use the 7 habits of effective leaders beginning next year.”
Jordan Hill Elementary Principal Dottie English shared, “Leader in me is based on 7 habits of highly effective people. Before you teach those to the students, the staff must be trained on the leadership traits. The program develops these habits to help everyone. Students and staff grow as leaders.”
Futral Road Elementary Principal Ben Steele stated, “I like that the program is a structured way to teach children to be responsible and take ownership of their academics and behavior. It teaches kids to have good character.”
The 7 habits are: 1) Be proactive (responsible); 2) Begin with the end in mind (goal setting); 3) Put first things first (prioritize); 4) Think win-win (mutual benefit); 5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood (listen first); 6) Synergize (work together) and 7) Sharpen the saw (self-improvement and balance).